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A Note from The Director

Dear Friend,

                     A warm greetings to you and your family in the name of Jesus Christ. We heart fully welcome you to the IDCF church. If you visit any one of our branch church continuously for four Sunday service, you can apply for a membership in that church. We advise you that you must grow in the right teachings by going a church that obeysto the Doctrines of the Church 

The Doctrines of the Bible (Acts 2:38 -42)

1. Salvation through your repentance of sins

2. Water Baptism ( Immersion )

3. Infilling of the Holy Spirit

4. Separation from the worldly things

5. Fellowship ( Going to Church meetings )

6. Lords Table 

7. Prayer

We want you to know about Gods love for you. We want you to understand about His son Jesus who died for the washing away of our sins. Here in IDCF Church, we would love to serve you with our life and teachings. We help you to understand the depth of God’s word and be away from every wrong ways and false teachings. Thank you for believing the IDCF church and investing your precious life in our hands to serve your spiritual life. We bless you in Jesus name.

Bro. Jerry Abraham & Sona Jerry